Bulletins On Wheels

Fleet Frame graphics take your soft-sided trailer and replace the dull with the WOW.

14 Hands Truck Frame Graphics

Quick change-outs via frame and banner graphics convert any trailer into an iconic brand or promotional delivery vehicle. Fleet advertising is the best way to engage audiences on major arteries where they are commuting.

Statistics show that truck advertisements have been seen to increase sales up to 107%.

Works With EnhanceAir for Mobile Air Scrubbing

Graphics Are Easily Replaced With New Campaigns

Soft Graphics with a Rigid Look

Fleet frame graphics are a hybrid of bulletin meets Silicon Edge Graphic. Typically these graphics are printed on banner grade vinyl and finished with a welded pocket containing a nylon rope all around the image. This permits sliding the graphic into a pre-installed frame system on the trailer that then clamps down for a snug finish. Custom finishing is possible for more open trailer designs that might have grommets on the sides to tie the image into place.

Because the frame remains on the trailer, updating graphics with seasonal changes or cleaner graphics is low hassle. Many clients can update and refresh their artwork after the initial installation.

Easy Street Truck Frame Graphics
Lazy Boy Truck Frame Graphics

Lower Greenhouse Gases

Adding EnhanceAir to your graphic helps off set your fleet’s NOx footprint by cleaning the air as it drives though the roadways. This unique formulation reacts to the UV rays in sunlight to create a non-harmful compound that bonds to NOx particles, rending them harmless.

Expert People in All Areas of Production

Our sewing department makes quick work of banners, table throws and more produced with our dye-sublimation system. This is just one of our may technological advantages of working with Convergent Print Group.

CTA headline goes here

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